Turkish bath in Marmaris

May-17-2008 By jana

If you are a single lady in Turkey, you probably don’t want to miss a young good looking guy to massage you for more than 2 hours;o))


Day three in Marmaris

May-15-2008 By jana

As every woman I love shopping. Istanbul is like the Mecca of all shoppers.Well we had to satisfy with a smaller version of Istanbul – Marmaris. The central area has a huge shopping street with everything from a toothpick to a camel.


Arriving in Thessaloniki

May-12-2008 By zhelyazko

Thessaloniki is a well arranged town, in fact pretty clean for the second largest city in Greece. The town has a very long history and traditions and is a perfect place for a short visit as there is plenty of things that you could see there.


Excursions in Marmaris

May-9-2008 By jana

f you ever go to Marmaris, there are a few things that you must do no matter what.

First you need to go to the Lukum Faktory, you need to try one of the original Turkish baths, you need to go to a belly-dance in the Kervan Sarai and you definitely must visit the island of Cleopatra.


I live in Sofia – Bulgaria but travel a lot around the country. Together with some friends we bought a nice villa near the town of Sandanski, about 18 kilometers away, and only 2 kilometers from the historical and tourist place Melnik. The villa is located in the village of Lozenitsa and is about 20 km from the Greek border.


Arriving in Marmaris , Joy Club

May-8-2008 By jana

…I have to confess Joy club Marmaris was more than what we were expecting. The resort is located a few km outside the town of Marmaris in the middle of a small forest. It has its small private beach and huge open swimming pool overlooking the sea and the bay. The first thought that passes your mind is – everything is extremely green for the 45+ degrees and the blistering sun.


Packing up for my journey to Spain

May-7-2008 By zhelyazko

It was the 15th of October 2007 when I decided to go to Spain for a short 10 days vacation. Together with a few friend of mine we decided to go to Costa Brava. We bought some tickets from Bulgaria Air for the 18th of October. When it comes to traveling I am very relaxed till the last moment.


Setting off for Marmaris

May-7-2008 By jana

Great we finally got the long-waited 10 days off work!Me and a friend of mine decided to go on those “just girls” summer vacations and the destination was Marmaris, Turkey. We heard that it is one of those awesome places just to sit on the beach,relax and do nothing all day.
